The Effect of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on the Re-Patronage Intention of Customers at PT Liga Technic


The manufacturing industry is one of the sectors that is very significant in boosting economic growth in Indonesia. PT Liga Technic imports industrial burners, spare parts and service. PT Liga Technic has carried out business operations since 1987. This research was carried out to support the internal development process of PT Liga Technic. The study was conducted on customers of PT Liga Technic to determine the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction on re-patronage intention, and service quality on re-patronage intention. The minimum sample size was 30 and 32 respondents were included (Roscoe in Sugiyono 2012:91). The criteria for the sample were customers who had bought products from PT Liga Technic at least two times within two years. Based on the analysis results with the Partial Least Square (PLS) method, service quality had a significant effect on customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction had a significant effect on customer re-patronage intention, and service quality had a significant effect on re-patronage intention of customers at PT Liga Technic.

Keywords: customer service quality, customer satisfaction, re-patronage intentions

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